Were Back!
Here it is June 2014 and I have been out of touch with this website since 2013, I appologize to all of you who were becoming involved in the movement of our heritage and culture as the times continue to shape the world we live in and as much as things change some things have not.
We still continue to read about Immigration reform and what it will and will not do for this country? it seem's that as we all struggle to survive and succeed in this country we must all live together in peace and harmony, I am one of the fortunate one's that was born in The United Staes of America but there are many that did not and they are refered to as "Illegals" "Border Brothers" "Wetbacks" and even "Criminals" thats why I have invested time into this website
The title is "Voices Unidos" translated "Voices United" it's important that we latinos never forget that someone in our family made the decision to come to this country so that you and I could have a better life and future! So as a Latino I feel it is not only my right but obligation to be a voice for the voiceless that struggle everyday to eek out a living so that they too can live the American Dream.
There are many that will say that they should go back and come back the legal way and I do not whole heartly agree! I believe that the true criminals are the people that knowingly hire, promote and even defraud the American Government as well as unfairly abuse these Illegal's it's not about criminality it's about Humanity!
With that said please feel free to comment and invite everyone you know to check out and contribute there opinions here remember with "Voices Unidos" we can make a difference.
Thank You/ Gracias
Enrique Martinez
Welcome to our website
I would like to Thank You for taking an interest in our website and blog, I started this website as a sounding board for American-Latinos such as myself to voice our opinions, concern's and most of all our point of views in the ever changing face of America. We will discuss all the many issues that effect us as Latino Americanos.
So please feel free to Blog, comment, post and email me the issues that concern you! Thank You, Gracias!
Visitor's notice
Please be respectful of everyone that posts, comments or participates on this website, and if you repost from another website, source or article please give them ther credit. Thank You/Gracias
Panel Rules Immigrants In Southern California Can't Be Held Indefinitely

Immigration and Immigration Reform Explained, Everything Needed To Understand the Issue
By NANCY BENAC 04/06/13
We have a New Pope of The Catholic Church
March 13, 2013
Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Became Pope Francis 1
He is the 266th head of The Roman Catholic church
God Bless Pope Francis 1
Sunday February 3, 2013
Reid predicts Congress will pass immigration legislation